The City Museum is hosting a free opening reception for a new exhibition curated by Lily Hope titled, Yéil Koowú Átx’i Khaa Sháade Nákhx’i Yán Sákw Jeeyís: Ravenstail Regalia for Future Leaders. The opening reception is on Friday, May 3rd from 4-7pm. This exhibition will be on display through October 19th, 2024.
Lily Hope has been mentoring 20 weavers in person and via Zoom since 2020. In that time, students have woven multiple Ravenstail projects including headdresses, leggings, bags, and child-size robes. The culmination of their work will be on display in this exhibition, showcasing the history of Yéil Koowú, its current knowledge bearers, and the bright future ahead. Also on display will be the Hands Across Time robe. In 1990, the Friends of the Alaska State Museum sponsored a group of weavers to create a collaborative project of weaving students headed by Cheryl Samuel, which took place in the museum’s Northwest Coast clan house. This was believed to be the first original Yéil Koowú robe woven in Southeast Alaska since it fell out of practice. Hands Across Time was designed by Cheryl Samuel and woven by Kay Field Parker, Marguerite Fiorella, Janice Criswell, Kristen Tromble, Janet Hall Schempf, Cheryl Samuel, Joni Lewis, Clarissa Rizal (Hudson), Mary Lou King, Kathy Rado. It took approximately 1,400 hours and 13 months to complete.